Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome to TutuFantasy

Need a tutu for special event?
Tutu Fantasy specializing in girls handcrafted tutus. Our tutus are made of quality fabrics, with fun color tulle, chiffon, ribbons and other materials. Most of the tutus selling in our store can be custom made into your little one's size and favorite color combinations. We are very proud of our handcrafted tutu because each one of them are made with love and care.
Don't be surprised if your child Twirls & Pirouette's for hours upon hours in our whimsical, twirly frilly, ballerina tutus. Our Floating Petal Filled Tutus & Birthday Tutu skirts are sure to impress your wee ones and all their friends too! Our Tutus are perfect for all your special & memorable occasions and will help to create breathtaking portraits for years of cherished memory bliss! Your sweet heart will thank you for giving her the best gift imaginable her very own fairy princess tutu. A wonderful fun filled fantasy dream that comes to life in her own magical fairy tale adventure.
An online Tutu store that features a beautifully detailed array of custom designed & Handmade specialty items.